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Regalan un E.A.

Notapor Enricfp » 02 Jun 2010, 17:21

Hola Wizard, por ser usuario de FapTurbo, me comunican que tengo un E.A. gratis, pero con una serie de condiciones, que no acabo de entender; igual Tú ya conoces el tema y puedes ayudarme a descifrar la incognita.
Si ademas sirve para que usuarios de este Foro pueden benificiarse consiguiendo el E.A, pues mejor que mejor.
Ya diras cosas, Enric en nombre de AICASHROBOT (
Ni Toros, ni Osos, lo importante es el Precio
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Registrado: 16 May 2010, 13:38
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Re: Regalan un E.A.

Notapor Enricfp » 02 Jun 2010, 17:31

La unica manera de subir el correo, es esta; no se más.

Greetings Enrique! Welcome to the super profitable Forex World, no matter if you know much about forex or your just getting started, I've got fantastic news for you! I want you to keep in mind that this is not a sales pitch, and we at aicashrobot have no plans to sell you anything! As you saw when you first signed up to get our program, the aicashrobot is totally free (and it ALWAYS will be!). We have put years of research into the aicashrobot, as well as tens of thousands of dollars into testing the profitability of the system. The good news in short- It works! I personally know a little about the forex market, but not too much. I know how to use the software (thanks to the support team for making the tutorials and making it easy!) but I don't know a whole lot about the market indicators... Even without the experience of a 'super elite' trader, I was able to make 5, 10, 15, 20, and even 30 pip moves within days of setting up the bot. Now, I don't know too much about a pip, but it is a positive move, it means I made money! The REALLY great part, is beyond the setup, I haven't done anything, even when my computer is off or my internet is down, the bot continues to make me money, and I continue to have money deposited into my account! I know there are a lot of claims on the internet about braking into your cash cow - but this is quite literally my own, personal, ATM machine! I know that your sitting there waiting for the catch, so here it is - We are only giving away 2,500 copies of this software for free, that's it... There's no buying it afterwards, there's no anything, after we reach 2,500 users, this software is going poof, bye bye, all gone. Why? Well, that's a two folded answer, the first one is we're in this market too, and we're not about to give up our full market power to the forex industry with over 1,000,000 current traders and growing daily, the software is too significant for that. The other reason, we do profit from your successful trades, not a whole lot, but just a tiny little bit, so the more you can make, the more we will make for giving you the software - We don't need a ton of people to use it, just a very select few - You and two of your friends can be some of those select few! So what are you waiting for? If you haven't made your account yet, do it now, before it's too late: ... H5n23LHi1w "In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing." -Theodore Roosevelt Good luck & Happy Trading! Steve

Saludos, Enric
Ni Toros, ni Osos, lo importante es el Precio
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Mensajes: 649
Registrado: 16 May 2010, 13:38
Karma: 3

Re: Regalan un E.A.

Notapor Enricfp » 02 Jun 2010, 18:15

Dicen que a la tercera, va la vencida.
Saludos, Enric
Ni Toros, ni Osos, lo importante es el Precio
Avatar de Usuario
Mensajes: 649
Registrado: 16 May 2010, 13:38
Karma: 3

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