Oferta de Trabajo - FXCM

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Oferta de Trabajo - FXCM

Notapor FXWizard » 23 Jun 2009, 10:07

Desde FXCM me llega esta oferta de trabajo, por si a alguien le interesa. Los interesados que me manden un privado a través del Foro y me ocupo de poneros en contacto con ellos.

Analyst / Blogger Positions
FXCM has several positions open for analysts / bloggers. Currently FXCM is searching for individuals based out of the following countries:

1) France
2) Germany
3) Mexico
4) Sweden

The individual must have a background in trading / economic analysis. Ideally, the individual will personally be active in trading forex or CFDS.

The person will have three core responsibilities:

Media Relations: The person will be expected to establish relationships with the local financial press (TV, online, print, and radio). The analyst should provide market analyst several times a week through traditional media venues and actively contribute to local trading forums / chat rooms. We want the analyst to become the local “Go To” person for coverage of forex and international economics.

Analysis: The person will be expected to write an exclusive article once per day for FXCM on either trading education or analysis.

Live Events: The person will be expected on a regular basis provide educational seminars to FXCM clients.

Requirements: Previous Experience As A Full-Time Professional Trader or Analyst With A Major Financial Services Firm.

Excellent Written & Oral Communications Skills. Knowledge Of English A Plus.

Salary: Based on location and experience. Range from $40,000 US - $70,000 US.

To apply: Please send you CV to and include a recent photo. If you have appeared in local media or frequently contribute to blogs/forums, please include links or documentation. If you have not appeared recently in
local media, please write a short forecast on where you believe the EUR/USD rate is going to be in three months

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Re: Oferta de Trabajo - FXCM

Notapor RUSLANDER » 23 Jun 2009, 11:54

Parece que desde que a FXCM se les fue Kathy Lien y Boris, aun no les encuentran un remplazo interesante :mrgreen: (solo es una broma)
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