por Miguelsnts » 07 Ene 2015, 17:42
Estoy intentando que se grafique una flecha roja hacia abajo cada vez que se lance una orden de venta al mercado, para ello estoy usando las siguientes lineas para acoplarlas a mi código: - Código: Seleccionar todo
ObjectDelete(0,"A"); ObjectCreate(0,"A",OBJ_ARROW_SELL,0,0,0); ObjectSet("A",OBJ_ARROW_SELL,Bid);
...sin embargo, no se grafica ni una sola flecha, ¿qué me falta por añadir? Ojala alguien sea capaz de ayudarme con esto. Muchas gracias de antemano. Un saludo.
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por FXWizard » 08 Ene 2015, 11:21
Hola Miguelsnts, creo que te falta definir el tiempo y el nivel de precio en el que se dibuja la flecha, observa que en ObjectCreate has puesto todos los parámetros a 0. Según indica la documentación de MQL4: http://docs.mql4.com/objects/objectcreateObjectCreateThe function creates an object with the specified name, type, and the initial coordinates in the specified chart subwindow of the specified chart. There are two variants of the function: - Código: Seleccionar todo
bool ObjectCreate( long chart_id, // chart ID string object_name, // object name ENUM_OBJECT object_type, // object type int sub_window, // window index datetime time1, // time of the first anchor point double price1, // price of the first anchor point ... datetime timeN=0, // time of the N-th anchor point double priceN=0 // price of the N-th anchor point );
The function creates an object with the specified name, type, and the initial coordinates in the specified chart subwindow: - Código: Seleccionar todo
bool ObjectCreate( string object_name, // object name ENUM_OBJECT object_type, // object type int sub_window, // window index datetime time1, // time of the first anchor point double price1, // price of the first anchor point datetime time2=0, // time of the second anchor point double price2=0, // price of the second anchor point datetime time3=0, // time of the third anchor point double price3=0 // price of the third anchor point );
Parameters chart_id [in] Chart identifier. object_name [in] Name of the object. The name must be unique within a chart, including its subwindows. object_type [in] Object type. The value can be one of the values of the ENUM_OBJECT enumeration. sub_window [in] Number of the chart subwindow. 0 means the main chart window. The specified subwindow must exist (window index must be greater or equal to 0 and less than WindowsTotal()), otherwise the function returns false. time1 [in] The time coordinate of the first anchor point. price1 [in] The price coordinate of the first anchor point. time2=0 [in] The time coordinate of the second anchor point. price2=0 [in] The price coordinate of the second anchor point. time3=0 [in] The time coordinate of the third anchor point. price3=0 [in] The price coordinate of the third anchor point. timeN=0 [in] The time coordinate of the N-th anchor point. priceN=0 [in] The price coordinate of the N-th anchor point.
Este ejemplo de código que presenta una flecha arriba o abajo en cada tick debería servirte como referencia: - Código: Seleccionar todo
int i; i=Bars;
name = "Dn"-i; ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[a], High[a]+20*Point); //draw an up arrow ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID); ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, SYMBOL_ARROWUP); ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_COLOR,Blue);
name2 = "Dn"+i; ObjectCreate(name2,OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[a], Low[a]-20*Point); //draw a dn arrow ObjectSet(name2, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID); ObjectSet(name2, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, SYMBOL_ARROWDOWN); ObjectSet(name2, OBJPROP_COLOR,Red);
Espero haberte ayudado. Saludos, FXWizard
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