Como se ejecuta esto?Hola me he bajado un fichero del foro, llamado Update stops to BEv3.mq4, esta en la carpeta script, pero al hacer doble click
en el sccript no veo que haga nada. Como lo pongo en funcionamiento , gracias.
Re: Como se ejecuta esto?//+-----------------------------------------------------+
//| EXPERT ADVISOR UpdateStops.mq4 | //| copy to [MT4\experts] folder and recompile | //| status messages printed in Experts tab of terminal | //+-----------------------------------------------------+ //| This is free experimental software. | //| No guarantees are expressed or implied. | //| Feedback welcome via Forex Factory private message. | //+-----------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright © 2009 Robert Dee" #property link "" #property show_inputs // Updated and Modified 08/01/2009 By Ken Wilsdon. // Updates: Added MoveStopBEProfit to lock in profits at BreakEven; Changed default settings; Added Remarks to parameters for clarity. // Added FiveDigitBroker. Corrected error in sell trailing stop. // Updated 08/02/09 Added ProfitTrailingOnly so can use HardStop as trailing stop loss, even when not in profit, until it equals MoveStop. #define EA_MAGIC 20090801 #define EA_NAME "UpdateStops to BE" // EA parameters extern string Main = "== Main Settings =="; extern string TP = "== Take Profits =="; extern int TakeProfit1 = 5; // close part of the trade when this target is reached extern int TakeProfit2 = 10; // close part of the trade when this target is reached extern string EquityTPPercent = "== Percentage of Equity TP =="; extern int TakeProfit1Percent = 50; // percentage of trade to close when TakeProfit1 is reached extern int TakeProfit2Percent = 50; // percentage of trade to close when TakeProfit2 is reached extern string NoStopLoss = "== Settings if No Stop Loss=="; extern int HardStop = 45; // if SL is missing then SL will be added using HardStop value (0 means disabled) extern bool ProfitTrailingOnly = True; //(To Trail only postions on profit not loss; If false, will trail with HardStop until MoveStop) extern string MoveBE = "== Move to BreakEven When Reached =="; extern int MoveStop = 0; // move stop to BE Profit (breakeven Profit) when this profit target reached (0 means disabled) extern string BEProfit = "== Pips of BreakEven Profit LockedIn=="; extern int MoveStopBEProfit = 0; // when the stop is moved, MoveStopBEProfit is the pips of profit that will be locked in extern string TrailStop = "== After BE Profit, Trailing Stop =="; extern int TrailingStop = 5; // AFTER stop is moved to BE Profit, the stop is trailed pip for pip (0 means disabled) extern string Slippage = "== Maximum Broker Slippage for TP =="; extern int MaxBrokerSlippage = 2; // do not take profit if broker slippage is greater than MaxBrokerSlippage extern bool FiveDigitBroker = true; // Set to true if using five digit broker, false otherwise // global variables datetime warningtime; double atr, pip; // named values make code more readable #define TP1 1 #define TP2 2 //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Calculate the number of lots to close at TakeProfit levels 1 & 2 //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double TakeProfitLots(double orderlots, int tplevel) { double minbrokerlots = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT); double maxbrokerlots = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT); double lots; if(tplevel == TP1) lots = NormalizeDouble(orderlots*TakeProfit1Percent/100,1); if(tplevel == TP2) lots = NormalizeDouble(orderlots*TakeProfit2Percent/(100-TakeProfit1Percent),1); if (lots > 9.9) lots = NormalizeDouble(lots,0); // do not use fractional lots above 9.9, round to nearest whole lot if (lots < 0.01) lots = 0.01; // this EA transaction limit if (lots > maxbrokerlots) lots = maxbrokerlots; // broker server transaction limit return(lots); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Count closed orders in history that match open price & open time //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OrderCloseCount(double openprice, datetime opentime) { int closecount=0; int i=0; while(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)) { i++; // increment order counter if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; // order is not for this symbol, go to next order if(OrderOpenPrice() == openprice && OrderOpenTime() == opentime) closecount++; } return(closecount); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Find orders that belong to this Symbol and take profit as needed //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void TakeProfits() { int ordertype; double openprice; datetime opentime; double orderlots; int orderticket; int closecount; int i=0; while(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)) { i++; // increment order counter if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; // order is not for this symbol, go to next order // get all data from currently selected open order because OrderCloseCount() will change order selection ordertype = OrderType(); openprice = OrderOpenPrice(); opentime = OrderOpenTime(); orderlots = OrderLots(); orderticket = OrderTicket(); closecount = OrderCloseCount(openprice,opentime); RefreshRates(); if(ordertype == OP_SELL) { if(Ask <= openprice-TakeProfit1*pip && closecount < 1) // if Ask price has reached TakeProfit1 OrderClose(orderticket,TakeProfitLots(orderlots,TP1),Ask,MaxBrokerSlippage,Black); if(Ask <= openprice-TakeProfit2*pip && closecount < 2) // if Ask price has reached TakeProfit2 OrderClose(orderticket,TakeProfitLots(orderlots,TP2),Ask,MaxBrokerSlippage,Black); } if(ordertype == OP_BUY) { if(Bid >= openprice+TakeProfit1*pip && closecount < 1) // if Bid price has reached TakeProfit1 OrderClose(orderticket,TakeProfitLots(orderlots,TP1),Bid,MaxBrokerSlippage,Black); if(Bid >= openprice+TakeProfit2*pip && closecount < 2) // if Bid price has reached TakeProfit2 OrderClose(orderticket,TakeProfitLots(orderlots,TP2),Bid,MaxBrokerSlippage,Black); } } // end of while() }// end of TakeProfits() //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Find orders that belong to this EA and move stops as needed //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MoveStops() { int spread = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD); // current spread for this pair double asklow = Low[0]; // lowest ask price on this candle double bidhigh = High[0]; // highest bid price on this candle int i=0; while(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS)) { i++; // increment order counter if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; // order is not for this symbol, go to next order RefreshRates(); if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) { if(HardStop > 0) if(OrderStopLoss() == 0) // if stop loss not set OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),(OrderOpenPrice()+HardStop*pip),OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE); if (!ProfitTrailingOnly && asklow+HardStop*pip < OrderStopLoss()) // if not profit trailing only, then move stop loss as ask moves down OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),asklow+HardStop*pip,OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE); if(MoveStop > 0) if(asklow <= OrderOpenPrice()-MoveStop*pip && OrderStopLoss() > OrderOpenPrice()) // if price has reached MoveStop target OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),OrderOpenPrice()-MoveStopBEProfit*pip,OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE); if(TrailingStop > 0) if(OrderStopLoss() > asklow+TrailingStop*pip && OrderStopLoss() <= OrderOpenPrice()-MoveStopBEProfit*pip) // if stoploss > (low price + TrailingStop) and previous stop has moved to breakeven OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),asklow+TrailingStop*pip,OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE); } if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) { if(HardStop > 0) if(OrderStopLoss() == 0) // if stop loss not set OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),(OrderOpenPrice()-HardStop*pip),OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE); if (!ProfitTrailingOnly && bidhigh-HardStop*pip < OrderStopLoss()) // if not profit trailing only, then move stop loss as bid moves up OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),bidhigh-HardStop*pip,OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE); if(MoveStop > 0) if(bidhigh >= OrderOpenPrice()+MoveStop*pip && OrderStopLoss() < OrderOpenPrice()) // if price has reached MoveStop target OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),OrderOpenPrice()+MoveStopBEProfit*pip,OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE); if(TrailingStop > 0) if(OrderStopLoss() < bidhigh-TrailingStop*pip && OrderStopLoss() >= OrderOpenPrice()+MoveStopBEProfit*pip) // if stoploss < (high price - TrailingStop) and previous stop has moved to breakeven OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),bidhigh-TrailingStop*pip,OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE); } } // end of while() }// end of MoveStops() //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Start function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void start() { ///////////////////////////////////// // Verify that it is OK to continue if(warningtime != Time[0]) // print the failure message only once per candle, not every tic { if(IsConnected() == False) Print("IsConnected() says the client terminal is disconnected from the server"); if(IsExpertEnabled() == False) Print("IsExpertEnabled() says that expert advisors are NOT enabled"); if(IsTradeContextBusy() == True) Print("IsTradeContextBusy() says that trading thread is occupied by another EA"); if(IsTradeAllowed() == False) Print("IsTradeAllowed() says that trading is NOT allowed at this time"); if(IsStopped() == True) Print("IsStopped() says this EA has been commanded to stop operations"); warningtime = Time[0]; } if(IsConnected() == False)return; if(IsExpertEnabled() == False)return; if(IsTradeContextBusy() == True)return; if(IsTradeAllowed() == False)return; if(IsStopped() == True)return; if (FiveDigitBroker) pip = Point * 10; else pip = Point; //////////////////////////// // TRADE MANAGEMENT ACTIONS TakeProfits(); // take profits first before anything else MoveStops(); } void init() { Print("Copyright © 2009 Robert Dee All Rights Reserved, Version "+EA_MAGIC); Print("Missing SL values will be set to "+HardStop+" pips loss"); Print(OrdersTotal()+" orders currently being monitored"); Print("Minimum Broker lots = "+MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT)); }
Re: Como se ejecuta esto?Debes abrir el Navegador y hacer dos clicks en el script. Claro que si no tienes órdenes abierta no podrá moverte el stop al punto de entrada (breakeven o BE)
![]() Saludos, FXWizard
Re: Como se ejecuta esto?Que hace ese script?
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